Infosearch offers the best image recognition services for machine learning purposes.  We provide all the use cases discussed in this blog. Contact Infosearch to outsource image recognition services.

Image Recognition: Seeing Is Believing, or Applications Across the Map

One of the key sub-disciplines of computer vision is image recognition, which enables machines to interpret visual data. It has been used in all fields and has innovated in how it is used in technology.

Key Use Cases

  • Facial Recognition: Smartphones and buildings are opened using facial recognition, while people are easily identified from large groups.
  • Healthcare: In diagnosis, it helps in the detection of tumors and in the planning of the treatment, Medical images such as X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, among others.
  • Retail: Inventory management, product search, and visual merchandising are facilitated by image recognition.
  • Automotive: Image recognition is crucial in self-driving cars to identify pedestrians, traffic signage, and other obstacles on the roads to avoid accidents.
  • Agriculture: Identification of diseases, monitoring plant health and therefore managing yields are enhanced through use of image analysis.
  • Social Media: It improves capabilities of image search, content moderation, and image based recommendations.
  • Security: Image recognition is mainly used in surveillance system for object recognition, for anomalous activity detection and for biometric identification and recognition.

Beyond the Basics

  • Augmented Reality: It’s fundamental in putting information from the digital world on the physical environment in order to create an experience.
  • Quality Control: Image analysis is used for automated inspection of products for defective ones or compare it with some required standards.
  • Remote Sensing: Satellite and aerial image analysis play an important role, for example, in urban development, assessing situation after disasters, or environmental control.

Image recognition remains rather popular and the technology is developed and expanded with new uses all the time. The potential is huge in the sense that it holds the power to change industries and the way we live.

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