The world is witnessing a peculiar situation and the Global Economy is in stand still. No one would have imagined such a peculiar crisis will arise to hamper the day today operation of businesses across the Globe. We cannot afford to let it go as it is, it’s 21 days of complete lock down and we citizens should have the responsibility to support the Government measures to contain the virus spread. Social Distancing is the only option to control the pandemic and we will have to support all Government measures to control the spread of Corona Virus.
Even though it’s a Global crisis we cannot let go our clients by explaining the situation. We are left with the only option of Work from Home (WFH). We detected the early warnings from China, Italy etc. on the severity of the issue and started exploring alternate arrangements.
We have been reluctant to provide the WFH option for many years mainly for data protection. Protection of clients’ data from data leaks and misuse is our top most priority and we wanted to ensure the same during WFH option. We had created secured VPN connectivity to employees who work from home and enabled constant monitoring systems to avoid any deviation. We have created cloud based storage, work force management systems, remote desktop options, Web meetings etc. to ensure effective WFH system.
Our work force comprises of local and outstation employees. Not all of our employees have facilities like computers, internet connection etc to work from home. We took a stock of employees who are fully ready to work from home and alerted them to be prepared. We had started arranging internet connection, computers etc. to local resident employees so that they can also be used during lock down.
The preventive measures helped us to successfully implement WFH and we are able to support 70% of our clients on this crisis situation. We are able to conduct web meetings, trainings, review sessions, Quality audits etc. remotely. WFH has never been a solution for BCP all these years to us but Covid-19 has given a good learning to explore the option. We are happy to ensure safety of our employees, client servicing and supporting our Government measures to eradicate the virus from our Global Society.
Website: www.infosearchbpo.com
Email: enquiries@infosearchbpo.com
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